Dr. Ingrid de Loor
“To add more life to your years and more years to your life”
The Chiropractic approach to health is safe and natural.
Dr. de Loor makes use of The Sacro-occipital technique (SOT), which is a system of chiropractic originally developed by Dr M.B. DeJarnette. Best known for cranial work, SOT also involves detailed analysis and correction of the spine, pelvis, extremities and visceral system.
She also used applied Kinesiology (also known as human kinetics) to identify underlying organ disturbances, which is then treated with a reflex technique (CMRT).
Treatment is suitable for any age group.
The following symptoms indicate that your baby could have a compromised nervous system and therefor needs to be assessed as soon as possible:
Any Neuromusculoskeletal problem can be helped through Chiropractic care:
Let me teach you this easy technique on how to cope with stress and trauma.
More information at http://www.treforafrica.co.za/.